Smart Savings - Meniga

Help your customers secure their future with fun and engaging features


Growth in savings


Increase in logins


Active users

Net Promoter Score

Automated Savings Rules

Provide your customers with gamified rules that seamlessly set money aside, helping them automatically grow their savings.

Meniga offers several out-of-the-box savings rules, such as:

  • Round-up transactions to nearest €
  • Tax certain categories, such as guilty pleasures
  • Save a percentage of your income
  • Interval based, such as every week or month

Extend the full flexibility of our platform to your customers

  • Extend the portfolio with IFTTT algorithms, such as when a favourite sports team wins a match 
  • Allow customers to choose whether to transfer directly to savings, donate to charity, or set up automatic investments 
  • Employ the system to safeguard account balances to prevent overdraft
  • Benefit from flexible payment initiation to launch transfer requests 

Savings goals

Allow your customers to create pots of savings where they can work towards a specific target

  • Inspire customers to set themselves goals such as saving up for a home, a new car, or a vacation
  • Customers can add their pots manually or through automatic savings rules
  • Monitor and track the progress to gamify goal management
  • Provide helpful advice to motivate and inspire more savings
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moey! Case Study: Enhancing Digital Banking with Meniga

moey! The digital bank to outpace competing neobanks 

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Share personalised insights to nudge customers toward saving

Identify opportunities to save to escalate deposits, such as:

  • Notifying when customers have spent less than they have earned that month
  • Identifying when recurring expenses have decreased, creating saving opportunities
  • Instantly spotting windfall income and nudging customers to transfer directly to savings
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Designed for customers, made for banks

Flexible deployment

Integrate with any PFM solution on-premise or in the cloud, combined with other Meniga products or as a standalone service

Powerful engine

Automation engine capable of processing financial or other external triggers to fire rules, e.g. sports or stock exchange data

Power Open Banking use cases

Capture market share and deposits from other banks with Account Sweeping